Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm Kristin, and I'm addicted to food. All kidding aside, I seriously think I am. I am Gayle's daughter and Amy, Lindsay and Kelsey's sister. I live in Kansas with my 3 kids and husband. We're currently on tornado watch, and my husband is an attorney...I just had to type that to see how it feels good.

Ok, so I said I would do this contest, but really in my mind I was saying I really didn't want to do it. I just got on the scale today...let's just say my motivation just came back. I've eaten like an absolute horse this last few weeks. It's showing on the scale and how my clothes fit, and I feel like a fatty. I just want to feel good. I would love to drop 15 lbs...realistically I think I could do 10,but if I'm being honest I really want the 15.

My definition of a good eating day is normal portions...not too big, not too little. Drink more water and be more active during the day. I exercise pretty regularly--but since Jared got his calling as early morning seminary's not as much as I would like. I'm going to try to be better with this.

My personal goal is to read my scriptures every day. I haven't read my scriptures in...I can't even remember how long. I've read them off and on, but I feel like it's a necessary thing now. I really want to get in the habit of doing it again. I was really good at one time in my life, but it's been a very long time. This will be super hard for me.

I'm excited...let the contest begin.

I know my family and I know Karly is Kelsey's friends, but I don't know how the rest of you guys fit in. Could you fill me in.

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