Monday, November 29, 2010

Char Week 11

Good morning ladies. Welcome to the wonderful winter. It has been quite a week. Busy with being thankful for good friends and family and also black friday shopping. That was great fun and I finished most of my shopping, and even got most of the presents wrapped. Yippeeeee, My total points for the week were 31 30 +1. Have a great week, be careful if you are driving, please be very careful. Smile at someone it will make their day. Love ya tons sistas. Char ")

Monday, November 22, 2010

Char Week 10

Holy cow what a week!!!!!! I spent the most fabulous weekend with some very wonderful friends at Time Out for Women. Thanks to Amy, Jana, Becca and Beth for the best weekend ever. I am so grateful to have such wonderful women in my life. You are all a great inspiration to me and it makes me want to continue to try hard and become better every day. Thanks to Amy's mom for letting us borrow her beds to sleep in. Batteries are recharged and I am ready to start the new week. Points for this week are 30+1 31. Sistas have a great week and a very Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends. Love to you all, Char ")

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kristin Week 9

I totally forgot to post on Monday. I got bonus this week. Although, I am super proud to say that none of those lost points were on treats. This is now starting the 3rd week with no treats. It's going pretty good, although I've never wanted a mini snickers, or ice cream quite as bad as today. The scale is going down....little bits at a time, but going down. I was thinking more would be gone by now, but it's holding at a 4 lb. loss in these 2-3 weeks. I'm holding strong until Thanksgiving...then there will be some treats. Exercise has been harder because of sick kiddos, but I'm ready to get on it again.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Char Week 9

Gosh, first week ever that i have not posted on time. When you get out of the groove of your daily activities it screws every thing up. For fun this weekend we went to Heber Valley Camp with the new senior staff for next year. It was fairly chilly, a whooping 40 degrees. We had a ton of fun and to watch the girls come up with ideas for camp is so fun. Lots of personalities to work with. Anyway my points for this week are 32. no extra point because i forgot to post this am and I can't get on the blog at work. Have a terrific week and keep going. We are getting healthier. Char ")

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kristin Week 8

This is the first week I have acutally NOT had any treats!!! Surprised?? Yea, so am I. I've worked hard this week. I actually got all my points. 35+1=36, my best week. I'm feeling really good, a few pounds have actually fallen off too (Imagine that, you quit eating crap and it comes off, who would have thought??).

Becca...missing weeks

Hey ladies... I am still here. I haven't been participating fully. I have been sick for about a month and just haven't had any energy to do one more thing...good news though for any of you that know me, I hate dr.s with a passion but thanks to the help of Amy I actually have an appointment to go to a new dr. Hopefully she can figure out what is wrong. I appreciate all of you who are still hanging in there. We are over halfway there now. Keep up the good work ladies!

Char Week 8

Wow, what a busy week. I only did a little better on points this week. I had a busy week of 12 hour days all week long. So needless to say I ate not as well as I should have. For fun this Sat. I went to a turkey bowl that our floor at the hospital does every year and had a great time. My son went with me and was impressed that i could even run let alone make a touch down. Yippeee. Then we went to a open house for my daughter and our new son in law. Much fun there as well. then we went to Shelbee's 1st bday party. Saturday was a great day full of fun and family. Points for the week are 29+1 30 total. Will continue to work at being better this week. One thing for sure is that this challenge has helped me with scripture reading and preparing better for my Laurel classes when I teach. Have a great week sistas. Love ya, Char ")

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kristin week 7

I almost didn't make it posting on time this week. 29+1 for me this week. Treats and one day of exercise missed. I must say I'm feeling this coming week is going to be a good one. I've made it an entire day without a treat today. Jared and I are planning on going completely treat free from now until Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll see some results in the next couple weeks. I'm excited.

Week 7- Amy

I am thinking that we should have started this contest November 1, maybe I would have done better. I had caramel apples, cookies, candy bars, cake. I think I am finally treated out. I do really well making my bed, that is pretty much automatic. I am getting better with my personal goal. I really do feel better when I actually get ready for the day. Sleep is killing my points. I have a really hard time with the 7 hours. I get between 5 & 6. My total is 26 +1 so 27. I am going to focus more on exercise these next few weeks. I really need to lose some weight.

Char Week 7

Wow, what a week. It has been a whirl wind this last week. Treats have been my big down fall. I do resolve to re energize this week and be better. There were several of us at work that had blood work done and cholesterol and other blood tests not looking so good. So here is to a brand new week and DETERMINATION. Points this week are 28+1 total 29. Actually better than I thought. Have a great week and remember to enjoy yourself. Happy Fall!!!!!!!! Char ")