Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kristin Week 6

I'm a couple days late in posting. This week I actually had a day where I did not have any improvement from the previous weeks. I am SO happy with my personal goal. I have read my scriptures every day since we started. I'm loving how I'm feeling. My points are 30--no bonus. I've decided on Nov 1 I'm hitting the treat thing big. I'm really going to work on it. I've got the scripture thing down, exercise down, it's time to hit the treats. I'm ready. Here we go.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Amy 3, 4, 5 and 6

I did a post earlier today and I just got on to see what everyone had posted. And post was not here. I have no idea what happened. What I think is funny, that I did my post and thought we were only on week 5. I was wrong, week 6. I have not posted anything for a whole month. That is terrible. I think I got 25 for weeks 3, 4, and 5. This past week I got 29 plus one for posting early. If you will still give it to me. I do have to say, this is by far the worst I have ever done on any contest. I am a slacker. I have made my bed every day. I am doing okay at my personal goal, which has been a challenge, but I am doing better. TREATS ARE YUMMY and I am having a hard time with them. I decided to allow myself to have one a day, that way I would not be getting -1 every day. I need some serious motivation. I think I have probably gained 3 pounds since we started. I was hoping to lose about 15. I guess the only way that is going to happen is if I actually put my head in the game and do something. This week should be better. I am just feeling weird right now.

Char Week 6

Wow what a week it has been. Very busy with all sorts of things, work, home and callings. The fun thing i did on Saturday was to get my hair done. Wahoooooo. I also had new countertops placed in my kitchen. They are gorgeous..... Treats were hard this week I think around the holidays they are always hard though. It could be worse right????? Well, this week I have a total of 32 (31+1)
The exercise and bed making are going good. It is the treats that are getting the better of me. But, i will resolve to do better this week. Ladies, have a great week. Char ")

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kristin Week 5

29 +1 for me this week. Treats are still the problem. I have a renewed motivation this week. So we'll see how it actually will go. I'm hoping I can get it under control this week. My new calling has been A LOT of stress these past few weeks. Treats has been a way to cope, I know it isn't right, but it's how I've been handling it. I'm going to try to just let things roll off my back this week.

Char Week 5

Wow this week was not as easy as the others. I had trouble eating treats this week. I am learning that there are many things i can do instead of eating all those treats, like go for a walk, go spend some money, talk to a dear friend, go visit friends and family. I am continually learning. Saturday for fun my boys and i tore out my kitchen counter top. I am so excited to get new countertop. My boys and daughter then went shopping with me to by a kitchen faucet (boy they are not cheap) and some other stuff i probably did not need. But it was time spent with family. Gotta love them!!!!!! My points for this week was 32 (31+1) yippeeee. I continue to make sure that my bed is made and that i am getting my exercise and daily scriptures read. I am working toward my young women in recognition award and need to finish the book of mormon..... Ladies have a great week and continue making great strides in your goals this week. Love ya tons, Char ")

Monday, October 11, 2010

Kristin Week 4

This week was pretty good. I got 29 (28+1). I missed a day of exercise...which was pretty good considering my whole routine this past week has been a complete mess. I love my personal goal. I have learned more this time around, more than I have ever gotten out if it before.

A journey of a thousand miles - Week 4

Hey Soul Sistas!  Hope you all had a FABULOUS week!  It was so fun to see Gayle & Kelsey this week and to finally meet Lindsay.  It was also a treat for me to see Beth, I hate not seeing you twice a week!  Averi's baptism was so great!  Okay so I need to admit my mistake.  I thought I was using all of my tech savy skills to create a spreadsheet to track my points which I forwarded to Amy, Jana & Beth so last Monday I went and plugged in my points and just used the total but it wasn't until later in the week after talking to Amy & Jana that I found out I had done a formula wrong so it wasn't adding in all the points, so my total for last week was actually 20 (GO ME!!) And my total for week 4 was also 20 giving me a total of .... hold on to your hats ladies ...41 total points for this contest!!!  Sorry, but due to my schedule I will not be signing autographs later.  Just kidding and all silliness aside I am kind of proud of myself, 41 things better than I was doing 4 weeks ago!  This week was really really hard for me.  I had mid terms and used treats as a way to keep me awake during my late late night studying.  BUT this week will be better (at least the first part of it), looking forward to the weekend.  My fun thing this week that I did was go to Averi's baptism, and then I had a good case of shopping therapy with one of my best friends who was in town for the weekend.  Yesterday I went to my first singles ward meeting!  (AAAAHHH) I really missed the family ward, but it will get better!

A bit of inspiration for us all:

And one of my favorite quotes from this general conference:

We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.
Elder Richard G. Scott

Have a sassy week Sistas!  We can do this!  Just gotta keep walking!  

PS Char!  Congratulations on the weight loss, you rock lady!  And Super big congrats to Amber on her wedding!  That is so fabulous!  

Char Week 4

Hey there sistas!!!!!! How are all of you doing? I miss not hearing from all of you. I have been working hard on eating more healthy and reading my scriptures daily. As of today I have lost 7.2 lbs and getting to exercise on a daily routine. I am loving this challenge that was presented to me thanks Amy for getting me started. This weekend I enjoyed having my grand baby for the whole weekend. Her mom and dad went to Las Vegas and was married yesterday. Happy days!!!!!!!!Boy i tell you it is the grand prize to have grand babies. They are the best. Lots of kisses and hugs and unconditional love. Anyway, my points this week were 33 (32+1). Ladies, have a great week and continue to make great strides in your health and happiness. Love ya all, Char ")

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kristin Week 3

I got 29 this week (28+1). Treats continue to be a problem, and I missed one day of exercise. But I feel so good about reading my scriptures. My family has had HUGE changes in our life this past month, and reading the scriptures has made such an impact on me. I feel like I'm not yelling as much at the kids, and that I have more patience. I'm not claiming I don't yell, just not as much. Conference was ok...I was ready to kill the kids. Seriously mom, I don't know how you did it. I was ready to send them all to time out for their entire life. Overall, I'm pretty happy about this contest. I realize I can work on one thing at a time. The first time I did the contest, I got my exercise habit (still going after almost 1 1/2 years). I've gotten better eating habits...still need osme work, but much better than when I started. This time I'm hoping the scripture habit will stick. I'm better today than when we started...even if it is with a cookie in my hand (not really, but you get my point).


Hey Hey Sista's!  What a week, it started off with so much promise but after a certain too many points in the -1 category ( you ALL know the ONE I am talking about) I ended up with a pleasant 16 total for the week!  Go me, that means I did 15 things better than I did last week right!  For my something fun on Saturday I made a little girls dreams of having a pink bedroom come true thanks to the help of a little paint & wall paper!  It turned out so stinkin cute, I really love decorating and creating happy spaces.  I SO enjoyed conference this weekend it was just the recharge that my old batteries needed. This was the first time in a very long time that I actually got to listen to all of the sessions, and if I was still in YW (cry cry) I could use it for a ten hour project!

So now on to the word power:  Last night I was blog stalking one of my favorite artists Mindy Gledhill (She is amazing & fun) and I found a blog of a sweet lady who came and talked to us for Young Womens one time, Rhonnna Farrer.  On her blog she has a 21 day challenge with a motivating thought for each day.  While I am not going to start yet another challenge I thought that I would share some of her thoughts to help motivate us all. She gives permission to use her words as long as we don't try to sell them.   Her first word of encouragement is Power!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

You can check out Rhonna on her blog: - 
She has designed graphics to print out to help remind and encourage us all!  

Have a powerful week Sista's!!!

Char Week 3

Hello there sassy souls sistas. My week went pretty good until this past weekend. For something fun we went to a cabin in Sundance with my son and daughter in law and her parents and had some us time. Really needed by the end of the week. It was great but the treats got the best of me!!!!!!!! I did however get to hike up to Stewart Falls yesterday and down to the cafe in Sundance on Sat. So I guess I really did not do so bad. Hope every one enjoyed conference and can come out and be renewed for the next week. Points 33 (32+1) this week. Have a great week and I cant wait to see what our totals are for this week. Char ")