Monday, October 25, 2010

Amy 3, 4, 5 and 6

I did a post earlier today and I just got on to see what everyone had posted. And post was not here. I have no idea what happened. What I think is funny, that I did my post and thought we were only on week 5. I was wrong, week 6. I have not posted anything for a whole month. That is terrible. I think I got 25 for weeks 3, 4, and 5. This past week I got 29 plus one for posting early. If you will still give it to me. I do have to say, this is by far the worst I have ever done on any contest. I am a slacker. I have made my bed every day. I am doing okay at my personal goal, which has been a challenge, but I am doing better. TREATS ARE YUMMY and I am having a hard time with them. I decided to allow myself to have one a day, that way I would not be getting -1 every day. I need some serious motivation. I think I have probably gained 3 pounds since we started. I was hoping to lose about 15. I guess the only way that is going to happen is if I actually put my head in the game and do something. This week should be better. I am just feeling weird right now.

1 comment:

  1. I am the exact same way. I can't stay away from treats and i'm doing worse since we started. We need some sista motivation.
