Monday, September 13, 2010


My name is Amy and I really need this contest. I was telling my friends and family that I wanted to start this contest October 1st. They all talked me into starting now. Why do I need to put this off any longer. I have to admit that I am an emotional eater and my body is showing it right now. I did a contest similar to this last year and I loved how I felt and the changes that took place. I am really good at making my bed. The dreaded hours between 3 and 8 everyday are a killer. That is when my house is stressful, kids coming home from school, trying to make dinner, doing homework, you get the picture. I notice that I just start eating anything in site. I think for a few minutes that I will feel better if I eat that cupcake, candy, cookie, ding dong, etc. I was trying to decide what to do for my personal goal and I thought I could not eat after 8, like I did last time, or drink 64 oz of water a day. Those are becoming easier to me. Something that is going to be really hard but I know I need to do. I am sitting here at the computer in the clothes I went walking in this morning. There are days that I just don't get ready. I don't have anywhere to go, I am just home doing laundry and cleaning. So my goal is to get ready for the day, EVERY DAY!!!!!!! This is going to be really hard. I think I will feel better about myself if I will do this. After 14 weeks it should be a habit, RIGHT!!!!!
My idea of a good eating day would be to have 3 meals a day with some healthy snacks in between. To drink 64 oz of water a day and to not eat after 8 unless there is a special occasion, like a ball, or a weekend away with my hubby.
I am excited for the contest and hope that we will all see changes in each one of us. I have learned a lot about myself in the past contests that I have done. I don't know why, but for me it is easier when I have to report to someone about my goals and it helps me to keep them better. We are all winners for even joining this silly contest.

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